
By Keppy

The title says it all. I’m in Virginia! I crossed the border yesterday evening, doing a 20 mile day to get to Damascus, VA. (It’s where Trail Days is held) Let me tell you, 20 mile days are NOT fun. Afterwards, my feet hurt and I am so tired so I probably won’t be doing too many of those. That’s the second time I’ve done a 20 mile day.


But luckily, there was no night hiking involved. It was a marvelous day for hiking; the sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky (okay, there might have been a few but they were very small).

I have 554 miles in Virginia and I am hoping to be through Virginia by the end of June. If I can make it, I will be right on track to make it to Maine before I turn into a Kepsicle. Or in other words, before it gets too cold or before Halloween comes. Wouldn’t want to miss that.

In other news, I was unable to get a post up about entering Tennessee for good but here’s a picture of the leaving North Carolina sign.

Leaving NC 2.JPG

I think I saw another bear a few days ago but luckily it ran off. I heard something run off through the woods and it didn’t sound like a turkey or a deer so I’m just going to say it was a bear. I spent the night in the camper and mom says she heard a deep guttural grunty-snorty sound with a snap and huffing. She was also sick at the time and the only one who heard it so who knows. Moms can get delusional as they get older. It’s the kids.

Also, I almost forgot but I made it to 400 miles! Yay!

Digital Camera

The pictures a little blurry. Sorry.

And look at this. Somebody carried this bench all the way out here and decided to just dump it. Littering is illegal!

Digital Camera

Okay I have to go now.







  1. Good call on sleeping in the camper after possible bear sighting. You are young, sweet, crunchy and likely very tasty to a bear.


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